Monday 5 January 2009

Happy New Year From HGF

Narrator: Well hello children and a happy New Year to you one and all. As the sun rises on the dawn of the New Year many of us strive to make a new start and change our ways. Myself I going to try and put a stop to the superfluous, flowery and excessive content of my vocabulary, to be more precise and concise with my elocutionary burblings and eliminate the excessive rhetoric. Anyway, enough about me, shall we see what’s going on in the forest?



Carla is sat on a tree trunk strumming an acoustic guitar



Carla: (singing) Now I know how low to go, I won’t let it show, won’t you touch me, touch me?


Beuford creeps behind Carla and dives on top of her


Beuford: (screaming) STAGEDIVE!



The pair of rabbits crash to the ground


Beuford: (picking himself up) Aaah that was fun, alright doll? Hows it going?


Carla: (angry) what the hell are you doing? If you have broken my guitar I’ll …


Beuford: You’ll what exactly, whats with guitar anyway? Didn’t know you were a rock chick.


Oooooh you’re not one of those Christian rock fans are you?


You do know the devil has all the best tunes don’t you?


If you start playing creed I’ll disown you, no messing


Carla: (picking herself up) No I’m not, No I’m not, and I’m not going to even entertain the idea of having a theological debate with you


As to what’s with the guitar one of my new years resolutions is to learn how to play an instrument, when I was taking some of my old books to the charity shop I saw this and it was too good to leave


Beuford: You should have gone to cash converters, you can get loads of instruments there dirt cheap, it’s like where peoples dreams go to die, it stinks of desperation in there, its great I love it


Carla: You really have no shame do you?


Beuford: Nope none at all, anyway at least the people who’s misery I have cashed in on ended up with a few quid in their pockets, I mean who gives away good stuff like that?


Carla: Not everybody does things simply for money you know


Beuford: well more fool them then


Carla: You know not everyone is as cold hearted as you, have you thought about changing your ways? Making a new start for the new year being nice to people, making friends, not ruining everybody else’s fun simply for your own amusement.


Beuford: Well yeah I think about things like that when I’m bored it makes me giggle truth be told, the idea is ridiculous and I never make new years resolutions anyway.


Carla: And why not? We can always make ourselves better people


Beuford: That may well be true; I kinda doubt it but whatever. I don’t make them as a point of principle.

If I want to change I don’t need it to be a certain time of year I’ll just do it. If anything I’ll be even less inclined to change when everyone else is I never go with the crowd, you know this.


Plus who keeps their resolutions anyway?


It’s for the proles.


Carla: So you don’t do it to be different? You act so jaded and Cynical but I saw you on Christmas day Beuford, I saw you with my own two eyes as happy as everyone else


Beuford: So you’re moaning I was happy now? I can’t win can I? I really can’t win!


Carla: I didn’t mean that, I mean I have seen the real you and I like him


I like him a lot


Couldn’t we just see more of him?


Beuford: The real me is me, sure I may get caught in the moment from time to time but that’s all it is a moment. It’s not like a weakness or anything I just know how things really are.


Carla: And just how is that exactly?


Beuford: Expect the worse and you’ll only ever be pleased with how things turn out, look for the best in everything and everyone and you’ll only ever be let down.


I’m sorry doll that’s just the way it goes


Carla: (sadly) I feel so sorry for you at times


Beuford: Don’t, seriously you being you is part of me being me isn’t it.


Carla: (confused) what?


Beuford: I don’t want your pity, that isn’t you if you aren’t you how can I be me?


Carla: You’re talking in riddles now; I have got to go anyway


Happy New year Beuford


Carla gives Beuford a kiss on the cheek and hops away


Narrator: Wasn’t that marvelous? Of course young Beuford is right you don’t have to wait until the New Year to change and few people do actually keep to the resolutions they make but Carla is also right we can always be better people.


Until next time


Take care you


Beuford: Happy New Year my love